Kennetha Morris dancer How to Choreograph a Marching Band

Kennetha Morris dancer Professional tips provider. A marching band refers to a group of musicians with instruments that play music and perform movements like marching or other harmonized movements. The performance will depend upon the theme of the event like inauguration of functions, sporting events etc.

The performance of marching band depends upon the music and the skill to move as single unit. Choreography is a beautiful way of artistic expression of certain music in a field using forms, shapes, dance and color. The band should show many moves in different combinations performing music.

Kennetha Morris dancer Qualified tips provider.Marching band choreographers should plan the moves of musicians and help them in learning complex moves, if needed. Their job is to improve the quality of the performance. Marching bands can form geometric shapes, pictures or letters to make words. This type is usually followed by scramble bands (one of the type of marching bands) where band members make moves between combination making comedic situations and elements. The choreographers should make the movements of the marching band according to the theme.

They should make the style based upon the music and look for musical clues such as beats, breaks and lifts. They should be able to determine whether tunes are repeated and plan the steps. Repeat of tunes may make the audience concentrate on music and the movements. The other important aspect is to make simple basics block which will allow the musicians to have control of body movements.

They should not create new movements which are difficult and keep the abilities of musicians in mind. Simple steps combined with perfect coordination among the musicians may make the performance appear impressive than complicated steps performed immeticulously by the musicians.

The most important fact is that specific instruments should be placed in groups, like saxophone in one area, trumpets in another etc. Their positioning is important as the trumpets and drums if put in the front may dissolve all noise coming behind like woodwind instruments.

Kennetha Morris dancer Skilled tips provider.It is very well known that field shows of marching bands include musicianship and strong presence of mind and body. It is the responsibility of the choreographers to make the show as simple as possible for the musicians while for the audience, it should be a memorable display of music and craftsmanship.

It doesn’t take a special person to be part of a band. It takes dedication and a strong work ethic. If this is something you’re interested in, check with your local school district for opportunities.

Published by Kennetha Morris dancer

Kennetha Morris dancer Skilled tips provider. George Balanchine: He was born on 22 January 1904 in St Petersburg in Russia. He was the pioneer of contemporary dance in the twentieth century. He also popularized ballet in the US and was the ballet master in the New York Ballet.

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